Recording Matches for Your League

After you are signed in, the League Administration functions will be available to you from the main menu. You must be viewing your own league in order to record a match or perform any of the league administration tasks related to your league. If you are viewing a different league other than your own, the administration functions will not be available.

All league types on StickTheRock record their team wins in the same way. Choose a team from the scoresheet dropdown to enter wins and/or points for that team.

City/Tavern leagues will only allow you to enter rounds for each team. Handicapped leagues will allow you to enter rounds won plus team point totals for each match.

Entering Player Scores in Handicapped Leagues

If you are running a handicapped league, choosing a team would have also loaded player scorecards for that team.

In the same way as the team score, just choose the player for each position on the scorecard and enter their related scores. The dropdown will contain all of the players you've assigned to that team, plus anyone who is assigned to the substitutes list. Note that the number of players per team and the number of games per match that you chose during your league setup determines the layout of the player scorecards.

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